Catastrophism - Eddie Yuen - The Politics of Failure Have Failed: The Environmental Movement and Catastrophism

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We had the pleasure of interviewing the authors of the book Catastrophism: The Apocalyptic Politics of Collapse and Rebirth. This is a two part series where we first interviewed Eddie Yuen. Eddie's contribution to the book is titled "The Politics of Failure Have Failed: The Environmental Movement and Catastrophism." His piece addresses the neo-liberalization of the so-called "environmental movement." 

He discusses the inadequate personal solutions posed in the media and in public discourse whereby they advocate that we can "save the world" through smart consumerism. We also discuss the general premise that catastrophe, in terms of the environment, will cause a fundamental shift in the ways people relate to each other and their environment and so much more. Make sure you check out this important analysis! 

Length: 01:06:33  Size: 78.0 MB

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